What a difference...

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

What a difference a few months make in the life of a newborn.  Evelyn is changing so much.  She started smiling before two months and has moved on to giggling when you get her really worked up!  At two months we started her on some reflux medication, and it has made a huge difference in her mood.  She still spits up a ton, but it doesn't seem to bother her now.  I would says she spits about the same as Ella, which I am sure many of you can remember.  You never know when it is coming, it can be two hours after a feeding.  I am always surprised to find dried puddles of spit-up when I am mopping... I guess I don't always notice she does it!  I am very familiar with the sound of it splattering on the floor when I am holding her in the kitchen.  And a bit embarrassed by the messes she has left at dance, gymnastics, even the doctors office.  She still nurses great.  She has started sleeping in her own crib and is doing well with that also.  She is typically up 1-2 times per night to feed.  I will include her two-month and four-month stats.  Her weight curve has been dropping, especially for how large she started out, but we saw this with Ella too so we are not concerned yet.  Assuming it has to do with the reflux and hoping it improves when she starts solid foods soon.
2 Months:
10lb. 5oz.- 25th percentile
22.5 inches- 50th percentile
4 Months:
12lb. 1oz.- 8th percentile
24.25 inches- 30th percentile