Another County Fair

Thursday, July 29, 2010

The girls with their balloon animals

Lucy dreaming about bringing a baby piglet home with her:)

We went to the St. Croix County Fair last weekend with Kelly, Grace, and Lucy and grandma and grandpa. Lauren was excited to see more animals and go on rides with Grace and Lucy. Plus she had her first pony ride! She talks about "riding the neighs" all the time now.

Wilderness Walk

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Last Friday we headed to Wilderness Walk in Hayward. We planned on taking Lauren last year and never found the time. It was a lot of fun- Lauren was able to feed a lot of the animals, and the petting zoo was pretty neat. Ella was really content looking at all of the animals, but she so badly wanted to pet them like her big sister. She was leaning as far as she could out of the stroller trying to touch them!

Feeding the hungry goats.And the red deer...And the camel!
Petting the adorable fawn (6 weeks old)

And the big tortoise

Mama with her girls

Unfortunately Ella likes to "pet" with her pointer finger... and a lot of the animals had signs warning that they "may bite"
Offering her finger to the bunny

And the horse...

And the sheep.
Praying this is Lauren's one and only mug shot!

Barron County Fair

Sunday, July 18, 2010

The fair was this weekend and Lauren had a blast! Of course she loved the animals and wanted to pet them all. And then she asked to see the monkeys... (yeah, we need to plan a trip to the zoo pronto!).

Lauren petting the goats.Ella's favorite fair food? Cheese curds! She couldn't get enough!Lauren went on all of the kid-sized rides. I think it helped that she had her friend Leah to ride with her.

I was a bit scared to send her on the roller coaster. She said she wanted to do it, but it went pretty fast, and it was really jerky going around the corners. She did just fine though, and actually did it another time.

See her? She's in the 3rd car back.
I know she doesn't look like she is enjoying these, but she really was. She didn't show much emotion (when does she?) but after each ride she was dragging me to the next one, and asking to do them again and again.

And was Ella begging to go on rides? Nope, she decided it was a good time to take a nap.

Lake Superior

This is overdue, but the pictures were too cute to pass up. We went up to the Weimert's cabin on Lake Superior last weekend, and had my side of the family up. We had tons of fun, way too much food, and absolutely perfect weather. There are not many trips to Lake Superior when the water is warm enough to swim two days in a row! Lauren LOVES the water, and Ella really liked the sand and splashing along the edge of the water. Of course sand did make its way to her mouth a few times.

Grace and Lauren busy building sand castles
Leyton checking out Ella

Ella taking a nap on Uncle Dave... until I warned Dave she wasn't wearing a swim diaper! For some reason he didn't want to take any chances and asked me to take her:)

Lauren enjoying her ice cream cone in Bayfield

Leyton and Lauren relaxing in the morning Add Image