Wilderness Walk
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Last Friday we headed to Wilderness Walk in Hayward. We planned on taking Lauren last year and never found the time. It was a lot of fun- Lauren was able to feed a lot of the animals, and the petting zoo was pretty neat. Ella was really content looking at all of the animals, but she so badly wanted to pet them like her big sister. She was leaning as far as she could out of the stroller trying to touch them!
Petting the adorable fawn (6 weeks old)
Posted by Jessie at 8:02 PM 0 comments
Barron County Fair
Sunday, July 18, 2010
The fair was this weekend and Lauren had a blast! Of course she loved the animals and wanted to pet them all. And then she asked to see the monkeys... (yeah, we need to plan a trip to the zoo pronto!).
Posted by Jessie at 8:53 PM 0 comments
Lake Superior
This is overdue, but the pictures were too cute to pass up. We went up to the Weimert's cabin on Lake Superior last weekend, and had my side of the family up. We had tons of fun, way too much food, and absolutely perfect weather. There are not many trips to Lake Superior when the water is warm enough to swim two days in a row! Lauren LOVES the water, and Ella really liked the sand and splashing along the edge of the water. Of course sand did make its way to her mouth a few times.
Grace and Lauren busy building sand castles

Lauren enjoying her ice cream cone in Bayfield
Leyton and Lauren relaxing in the morning

Posted by Jessie at 2:01 PM 0 comments