They Caught Me!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Mom was finally able to catch me taking some steps! I am a little wobbly, but I'll keep practicing, and I bet I'll be a lot steadier by my birthday!

Valentine's Day Cutie

Monday, February 16, 2009

On Saturday I experienced my first Valentine's Day! Mom took these pictures a few days before so we could send out some valentines. When I figured out how to open the box of chocolates, the photo session was over... but mom thought I should be rewarded for getting the box open so she let me taste my first Russell Stover's dark chocolate! It was delicious. We went to grandma and grandpa's on Valentine's Day. First we went to the Bean Bag, then grandma and aunt Kelly took me to a basketball game while mom and dad went to Woodbury for lunch. Dad won't stop talking about Outback, I guess he enjoyed his first blooming onion. Of course I had a good day too, grandma gave me a love monkey that is quickly becoming my favorite.

"That Tickles!"

Monday, February 9, 2009

Healthy Sleep Habits... Happy Baby

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Mom wanted to report my huge improvement in sleep habits. I have been regularly sleeping through the night for the past month (yes, I realize I am almost 1 and this was a good time to start!). I have also been much more regular with my naps (yes, I do take naps now!). I take a 2-hour mid-morning nap, and then a 1-hour afternoon nap. Mom is not real strict with the nap schedule since we like to get out of the house a lot. But when we are home, I am in a pretty good routine. And a well-rested baby equals a happy baby. Just look how happy I am when I wake up!

My Best Friend

I know I talk a lot about Mischa, but she really is my best friend. We play together, we EAT together... okay, mom is not too fond of me sharing my food, but Mischa loves me for it. And she'll eat anything if I'm the one giving it to her. Poor girl now eats oranges, grapes, sweet potatoes, and animal crackers. I guess it just tastes better if I'm eating it too! In the above pics she is scoring most of my grilled cheese sandwich.

Welcome to my playhouse!

Grace and Lucy gave me this great playhouse, with a doorbell that actually works! I love going in and out the door and I think it is really funny when mom or Mischa decides to come inside to play! Next time someone visits- I bet I can coax you into joining me!