First Haircut

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Luca had his first haircut about a week before his first birthday.  I was putting it off, knowing he would look like such a big boy, but now looking back at pictures, I can see he definitely needed it! Our friend Jackie came over to the house to cut his and Dan's hair, and he sat so nice for her.  I think it helped that we also gave him his first sucker to distract him!




Now announcing....

Monday, August 13, 2012

The Weimert Family has some exciting news to share...

We are pregnant with Baby #4!

We are all very excited and can't wait to see if we will have a baby brother or sister.  Lauren is pulling for a sister, Ella says she wants another brother.  Luca would probably say he would prefer to stay the baby for a little longer, but I think he will thank us in the long run!  I am 13 weeks and due in February.  Hopefully this news will help you forgive me for not updating the blog in so long:)