Winter Fun

Thursday, February 28, 2013

In the past month, we have headed to New Richmond twice to meet up with all of the cousins and go sledding at the elementary school hill.  The kids absolutely love it, and I am so impressed with how long they last out there and how they all pull their sleds back up that long hill over and over again without complaining. 
 Ella and Maggie are best friends when they are together.  It is pretty sweet.
 We have also tried ice skating a few times.  Lauren is really getting the hang of gliding, and Ella does great staying up on her double blades.

New Experiences

Now that Luca is a little older, he is getting in on more activities with the girls.  In the past month he has learned how to fingerpaint and play with Play-doh.  Of course this means a little more stress for mom, but he is enjoying it!

He was a bit skeptical on getting his hands dirty at first, but he figured it out pretty quickly!