Lauren celebrated her fifth birthday on March 6. Her rainbow cake was a big hit, and turned out better than I had expected. It did, however, require much more frosting than I had expected. So rather than running to the grocery store at midnight, we stopped and grabbed the frosting on the way to New Richmond in the morning and I had to finish frosting before the party. Not a big deal in hindsight, but I forgot the bright rainbow sprinkles I had planned to top it off with. My mom had some pretty pastel ones that worked, no one complained.
Lauren had her five-year check-up also, and it confirmed what we already knew. She is a healthy, active kid and is meeting all of her developmental milestones. She was also a very brave girl and received all of her kindergarten shots. She weighed in at 40 pounds (50th percentile), and was 44 inches(75th percentile). This put her BMI at a healthy 30th percentile.
Posing with Evelyn and her new McKenna doll from Grandma Pam. There have been several doll photo shoots since then, it is always a bit startling when I look through the camera roll on my phone and see new doll pics on there (she is a pretty good photographer:)