
Thursday, September 5, 2013

Adjusting. We are all adjusting to life with a kindergartner. Lauren started kindergarten on Tuesday. She was cautiously excited for her first day. No tears at drop off, but it sure felt like a long day at home without her. And when I picked her up, she told me she didn't like it... Not what I wanted to hear. I thought every kid loved kindergarten. I am hoping once she adjusts to the schedule and makes some friends her feelings will change. She has a great teacher so I feel good about that. I made her try hot lunch just so she would know how to do it if she decides later in the year she wants to try it again. But for now she is adamant she wants a cold lunch (so she can avoid talking to the lunch ladies... oh, my shy child).
Here she is all smiles by her locker. This was for orientation last week.
And her first day of school pictures...

Did you notice she lost her first tooth just in time to start school? Growing too fast:)

And now my little Ella. How is she old enough for preschool??? As you can see from the pictures, she was extremely excited to start school. No worries for her. I am sure it helps that she gets an extra hour of sleep, as she doesn't start until 9. And she is at the same preschool that we brought Lauren to for two years, and has the same teacher! Ella will go Tuesdays and Thursdays this year.

She could hardly contain her excitement walking into school that morning.

Ready to start her day!