Monday, September 22, 2008

I have been getting up on my hands and knees for over a week now. At first I just pushed myself up, then I started rocking back and forth, and now..... no, I am still not crawling! I get closer and closer every day, but it takes time you know. I did learn how to scoot around pretty good though. Mom's basket of magazines next to the couch is no longer safe. Nor is Mischa or any of her toys for that matter. I can go backward and forward to get what I want, and I am a pro at turning in circles! I suppose I'll be crawling by October which means dad really needs to put some locks on those kitchen cabinets. He did install a nice metal gate at the top of the stairs, poor Mischa can't figure out why she got banned from going down to the basement! Especially when she gets home from a run and just wants to get downstairs and lay on the cool floor. I hope one day she decides I was worth it:)