Waiting for Daddy... or Mischa... or the UPS Man!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

I have found a new fun place to hang out- right next to the front door! There is this great window there so I can see who is coming to the door. When mom lets Mischa out, I stand there and wait for her to come back (luckily, it doesn't take too long since Mischa isn't a fan of the cold weather). Mom knows when Mischa is back and needs to be let in when she hears me laughing! And at night when mom hears daddy's truck, she says "Daddy's home" and I crawl right to the door and wait. The other day I was really surprised when the UPS man came to the door... I think he was equally surprised to see me waiting for him! What he didn't know is that Mischa was outside and I was actually waiting for her. Of course it was a Baby Gap delivery, so mom likes to think I somehow knew it was for me:)