My Little Peanut...

Friday, April 30, 2010

See this little peanut of mine? We finally decided it was time to try a treatment for her GERD (reflux). Turns out she fell off the weight charts, which makes our doctor fairly confident that it is her reflux keeping her up at night and preventing her from gaining weight. We picked up her first bottle of Zantac today and we are hoping this makes her feel better (and subsequently helps her sleep at night!). I have been pretty reluctant to use medication with her, but after 7 months of very little sleep I think it is time. And because she isn't keeping up with her weight curve, I feel even better about trying out the Zantac. It is just a tough call as there really is no way to know for sure whether the reflux is causing an infant pain. The plan is to try it, see if she seems less upset when lying down, and go from there. If I don't see a difference we may try a stronger dose, another medication, or go back to where we started. I will keep you updated!

Friendly Visitors

Sunday, April 25, 2010

On Saturday Megan, Scott, and Maddox came to stay with us. Unfortunately it was a bit cool and rainy, but the kids did get to play outside Sunday morning for awhile. Lauren showed Maddox her new sandbox, but he was more interested in pushing the toy truck down the hills! We sure had a good time, and Lauren is really starting to "warm up" to the idea of playing with other kids (or at least playing NEAR them!). Thanks for visiting, we hope to see you again real soon!

Maddox checking out the lake


Monday, April 19, 2010

It took about 5 seconds of persuasion from mommy, and now Lauren is in love with her new sandbox! She was a bit reluctant at first, but once I convinced her to take off her shoes and she felt the sand beneath her toes she was in (and won't get out:). And FYI- ask her to smile these days and this is what you get: a big, cheesy, eyes-closed grin. Gotta love it!

Marigold Update!

Lauren sure is proud of her flowers! They are growing strong, and she tells me that they smell good too:)

Tunnel Vision

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Ella has conquered the tunnel! It is actually pretty easy to persuade her to go through, but for the sake of ensuring that she would cooperate when I shot the video I teased her with the TV remote. Cruel, I know. And I apologize for the video quality- it is just a lot easier to use my old digital camera than it is to break out that new video camera (that I had to have)... Oh, and Lauren worked as my assistant for this production so you may notice her finger blocking the shot at one point and hear her grunting trying to take the camera away at the end!

Now that she is really mobile Ella finds herself in all sorts of unexplored territory:)

Too bad they are cousins...

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Could they look any sweeter together? They were full of love for each other on Sunday, giving hugs and kisses and sharing their starbursts. But don't be fooled, they have had their struggles- being the same age they tend to want the same toys... at the same time...

First Twins Game

Friday evening we headed to the first Twins game in the new outdoor ballpark. The whole family was there, and thanks to Uncle Dave and Aunt Kelly who worked on the stadium, we had great seats behind home plate. The weather cooperated and it was a beautiful night- despite the Twins losing (and I don't think the kids noticed)!

Lauren with her daddy

Lauren wore Leyton's hat most of the night since he didn't want to.

The cousins all dressed up in Twins gear and enjoying cotton candy!

Lounging in her seat!

The skyline behind right field (so pretty!)

Uncle Dave with Ella

Maggie with Aunt Becky (Maggie was happier when she was up walking around and able to check out the whole stadium!)

Visiting Dan at the Farm

Thursday, April 1, 2010

On Wednesday, we decided to take advantage of the beautiful weather and headed to the farm to enjoy dinner with all the boys. We got there when they were just about finished loading the trailers and just in time to eat some grilled food. The girls had a lot of fun, and Lauren can now say each of the guys' names- so when I get her out of bed in the morning and she asks where daddy is, I say he is working and she proceeds to name everyone he is working with, including the "moos." She is just getting so big!

Letting the calves lick her fingers clean AFTER she ate!

Hamming it up...