It is already that time of year when one needs to decide on Christmas cards! It is something that I really enjoy putting together, and I honestly LOVE receiving them in the mail. I actually look forward to trudging through the snow to the half-buried mail box during the holiday season in hopes of finding photo cards from friends and family! As a result, I wanted to let all of you know about this great deal for fellow bloggers. Shutterfly is offering 50 free cards to bloggers. Shutterfly is a great photo site, where I do the majority of my everyday 4x6 photo printing. Their site is very easy to use, and their card designs are the best year after year. They offer fun and cheerful designs with an elegant flair. I am having a very hard time choosing this year. I definitely love the folded card because unlike other photo cards it allows space to write a nice holiday message.

But there is something so simple and elegant about one photo...
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