Road Trip

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

On Wednesday the girls and I headed to my friend Megan and Scott's house and we were able to meet sweet baby Cecelia for the first time. We had a lot of fun, and the girls slept really well all weekend which is not the norm for them when we are away from home! Dan was in Missouri for work and met us Thursday and stayed the rest of the weekend. Megan took us to the Madison Children's Museum where the kids had a blast. Maddox was busy running and playing with all his favorites so I don't have any pics of him, but the girls preferred the activities that were a little less busy! Friday night we headed to Becky and Eric's and stayed til Sunday. That will be a separate post.

They loved driving the horse and cart!

Collecting chicken eggs was their favorite activity.

Lauren opening her birthday gift from Maddox- she loves her new hopscotch game:)

Maddox opening his big brother gift.

Thanks for having us Megan and Scott! We had a great time!