Luca's First Doctor Visit

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Luca had his first doctor appointment today and he checked out great! He weighs 6lb. 9oz. (1 oz. more than when we left the hospital), and his bilirubin came back normal (no jaundice). He is sleeping a lot during the day and I am trying to take advantage of it because I know it will end soon. Today was also the first time I've had to get all three kids ready and loaded into the car- it was pretty manageable, but the appointment wasn't until 11am- it may be different when we are taking Lauren to preschool at 9! Oh, and both of those outfits are from today... and he is in a different one now. We seem to have an issue today with wet leaky diapers.


Megan said...

So cute! Are you pointing his thingy down? That will prevent some leaks :)