
Friday, May 18, 2012

Just trying to catch up on what we have been up to around here.  We have been enjoying the beautiful weather so we are outside a lot.  I also ended up having emergency surgery two weeks ago to have my appendix removed.  That was quite a surprise, but it went very quickly and I am almost 100 percent already.  Stay tuned as summer begins next week for us!  Lauren has her last day of school Wednesday, and we have already scheduled gymnastics, swim lessons, dance, and Bible School for the summer!

Looking cute.  I thought the light was perfect when I took these pics, turns out there are terrible shadows.  I should really look into a camera course!

 Lauren loves going for bike rides.
 Luca and Grace
 We celebrated Grandma Bev's 80th Birthday last weekend... too bad Lauren and Ella were down to their underwear by the time we took pictures!
 Luca enjoying Mother's Day brunch

 Luca's first strawberry
 Ella jumping
 And Lauren...

Ear Troubles

Because I have been missing from the blog world for a month now, I am having trouble deciding where to begin....  I suppose this little man has been part of the reason for my absence.  You see, he has been teething for over a month now, averaging one new tooth a week.  And when this guy is teething, he usually has an ear infection to go with it.  Two weeks ago we went in for his nine month appointment and discovered another ear infection.  But this time, he developed a crazy rash after taking amoxicillen.  Back to the doctor we went where he was diagnosed with a drug allergy.  Benadryl was next, but it took three days to clear up those hives.  Poor Luca was itching and miserable.  Back to the doctor today revealed that the one ear still hadn't cleared up and guess what?  An infection in the other ear as well.  I just hope he remembers what a great sleeper he was before all of this, because mama and daddy are VERY tired!  We are trying a new and strong antibiotic now, so hopefully this will bring an end to our ear troubles.  At least until he gets another tooth....

He is happy during the day!
 A sampling of the rash.... it spread over his entire back, neck, and stomach by day 3

Things are looking better already!