
Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Here are some of Evelyn's first smiles, too cute not to post:)

What a difference...

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

What a difference a few months make in the life of a newborn.  Evelyn is changing so much.  She started smiling before two months and has moved on to giggling when you get her really worked up!  At two months we started her on some reflux medication, and it has made a huge difference in her mood.  She still spits up a ton, but it doesn't seem to bother her now.  I would says she spits about the same as Ella, which I am sure many of you can remember.  You never know when it is coming, it can be two hours after a feeding.  I am always surprised to find dried puddles of spit-up when I am mopping... I guess I don't always notice she does it!  I am very familiar with the sound of it splattering on the floor when I am holding her in the kitchen.  And a bit embarrassed by the messes she has left at dance, gymnastics, even the doctors office.  She still nurses great.  She has started sleeping in her own crib and is doing well with that also.  She is typically up 1-2 times per night to feed.  I will include her two-month and four-month stats.  Her weight curve has been dropping, especially for how large she started out, but we saw this with Ella too so we are not concerned yet.  Assuming it has to do with the reflux and hoping it improves when she starts solid foods soon.
2 Months:
10lb. 5oz.- 25th percentile
22.5 inches- 50th percentile
4 Months:
12lb. 1oz.- 8th percentile
24.25 inches- 30th percentile


This spring, Becky surprised us with a video of Leyton riding with no training wheels.  Well, guess what Lauren wanted to do immediately?  Ride with no training wheels.  I was not looking forward to taking them off and having to help her every time she wanted to ride bike.  But to my surprise, she was riding in just a few days.  Here she is with her new princess bike.  It took some time learning how to turn gradually, but not so gradual that you end up in the ditch.  She does have one battle wound on her upper leg where the handle bar pinched her as she went down.  And she did land down in the ditch several times.  I was always amazed how long she would stay on before she would jump off!  It was a bit terrifying to watch.  And as a bad mom, I made her take her helmet off for these pics:)  We always wear our helmets on the road.

Still Smitten

Everyone around here is still smitten with their baby sister.  Evelyn is growing so fast- I promise to do her post soon:)  Luca still wants to hold her and kiss her all the time.  Luckily it is pretty fleeting as he is busy playing farm or trucks.  He just walks by, steals a kiss, and continues on.  He also thinks it is funny that she will reach out and touch him now.  He was so surprised the first time that her little hand brushed his face.  Now he has been getting dramatic and tells me she pinched him when she tries to grab for him.  It is so sweet. Lauren and Ella are great helpers and are so excited that she can do more now.  Evelyn is always watching and smiling at her siblings.

 Lauren helped with her first bottle when I had my kidney stone surgery.

All Ears!

About 6 weeks ago, when we were still stuck in the house waiting for spring to arrive, I took the girls to the mall to get their ears pierced.  I had asked Lauren a handful of times in the last year if she wanted to have hers pierced, and she always replied with a strong no.  Of course, we were usually strolling through the mall when I asked and I think she was too nervous.  So, on that cold rainy morning when I asked, out of sheer boredom, I was shocked to hear her say yes!  After we talked about it, how bad it would hurt, how long it would hurt, etc, I quickly made arrangements for Dan's parents to keep the little two for the afternoon.  And we raced to the mall before she changed her mind!  Ella said she wanted hers done too, but I wasn't going to push it if she decided not to when we got there.  They both did great!  The before pictures are so funny because I can tell just how nervous they were!  They did think the stuffed bear with a dozen real earrings in his ear was pretty funny.  Lauren chose rainbow daisies and Ella picked diamonds "like her mom."  I told her she has good taste:)  They both looked so much older with earrings, but I have already gotten used to it.  And they are very good about reminding me to clean them.  They are eagerly waiting for the eight-week mark (when we can change them) so they can wear those silly flip-flop earrings they picked out 6 weeks ago!

Preschool Graduation

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Lauren had preschool graduation in May.  The kids sang for us, and Lauren's class introduced the songs.  She has always done great during these performances, but she definitely stepped it up for her last one!  It was fun to see her interacting with her classmates too... the boy next to her kept whispering and making her giggle.  They received Bibles for their graduation.

 Grandma Pam brought Grandma Krumm up to watch and then they took Lauren and Ella out for lunch.
 Lauren and her teacher Mrs. Schultz.  We are excited we will see her next year when Ella has her.

Dance Recital

Lauren's dance recital was in May.  She had fun this year in dance but says she likes gymnastics better.  Ella wants to dance next year, so I am wondering whether Lauren will change her mind and dance too.  Either way, the recital was adorable and I was impressed with how well Lauren did on the big stage!  The theme was "Let's Luau!"

 Grandma and Grandpa came up for the show.
 Kelly, Grace, and Lucy also came up.  They stayed over the night before and everyone had fun!  Lauren was excited to have her very own flowers. 



Monday, July 1, 2013

Lauren and Ella both take gymnastics classes each week.  It actually goes year-round, with July off for condensed classes.  Lauren will be doing a week-long class for beginners which she is excited about.  They did pictures in the spring which turned out great!  These are pictures of the pictures... not so great:)

Lauren waiting for her turn on the trampoline.

And Ella waiting by the trampoline with her class.  The observation area at the gym is horrible, there is a tiny room with windows or about five feet in front of the trampoline, so the trampoline is the only thing I can get pictures of during practice!

Roller skating

This spring we visited Skate City for the first time.  We have a rollerskating rink right here in Rice Lake, and had never tried it before!   Lauren and Ella did awesome, and Luca had fun on the indoor playground.

 Lauren also tried rollerblading and did awesome. 
Ella skating with her friend Leah.


We had a great Easter this year, even if it is a busy day.  We started out the morning hunting for Easter baskets and eggs left by the Easter Bunny.  Lauren and Ella were so excited the night before, Lauren could not fall asleep.  She kept asking when that Bunny was going to show up, and she was very nervous that Evelyn was going to scare him away since she was sleeping in her bouncy chair in the living room!  I assured her that even if Evelyn was awake, he would still leave the baskets.  I guess my threatening that Santa and the Easter Bunny won't come until they are asleep has sunk in:)


Next we headed to Grandma and Grandpa Weimert's house for Easter brunch.

And then to Kelly and Dave's for the Krumm celebration.  Luca loved the baby ducks!
Evelyn in her Sunday best!
Luca still loves his baby sister!

Grace holding Evelyn, her youngest cousin...  actually, Fiona may have already arrived at this point!  She was born on Easter Sunday.