Playing with my sister

Friday, October 10, 2008

Just thought I would share some pictures of what Mischa and I do in our spare time. She loves sharing her toys and bones with me, and she even drops her ball in front of me so I can throw it for her. Yeah, I'm a little too small for fetch, but Mischa sure likes to try. I tried to get a few tastes of her bone, but I guess mom wasn't as engrossed with Grey's Anatomy as I thought:)

I'm just going to steal this away... notice that mischievous look on my face.

I've almost got it!

Here Mischa, I just want to play with it- I promise I won't eat it.

Interesting... wonder why mom won't let me chew on one of these.

Okay, I'll hold it while you chew Mischa. Good puppy. We make a good team!