12-Month Check-Up

Friday, March 13, 2009

I had my 12-Month appointment today, boy was that rough! First came the easy part- the doctor checked me over and weighed and measured me. I am now 19lb. 5oz. and 30 1/4 inches. That puts me in the 80th percentile for height, 15th for weight, and 3rd percentile for height vs. weight. My doctor said not to worry about the weight though, probably just because I am so active now. I am running all over the place! After the fun stuff, it was time for shots. They hurt but I only cried for a minute. Then we stopped at a place I have never been before... the lab station. Pretty sure I never want to go back. Mommy and two nurses held me down while I screamed and squirmed. They put a tight rubber band on my arm and stuck a needle in me. IT HURT! I guess they had to check my blood for a lead screening and hemoglobin. It took me awhile to calm down after that, but I did get some goldfish crackers and a cool band aid when it was over!

While we waited I tore up some paper.

Showing off my band aid.