Wondering what we have been up to? We have been pretty busy the last week- Lauren had to start taking calls for us... Pretty good multi-tasker, huh?
Lauren had her first experience with homemade play-doh.
But had a better time making real cookies...

No, that cookie she is eating is NOT cooked! I don't blame her though:)

There was flour EVERYWHERE.
Lauren also got to try out her new snow gear! 

And mom took her down the hill on a sled.

And mom took her down the hill on a sled.
Sorry about the picture quality- dad was too cheap to open the window so these are looking through the glass.
And lastly, little Ella is getting really strong so she tried out the Bumbo seat! She also had her first official giggle today! I'm not going to count those earlier "happy squeals" after hearing the real deal today!
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