Four Months!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

This little peanut is four months old! I can hardly believe it, don't know where the time is going! We had her well-child visit today and everything looked great. Ella is 11lb. 13oz. and 24.5in. long. That is 50th percentile for height and 10th for weight. Just to compare (because I can't help it!), Lauren was 14lb. 7oz. and 26in. at this age. She is smiling, laughing, cooing, gurgling, and imitating now. Dan taught her to blow spit bubbles which is her new favorite pastime! She is also reaching out for toys and bringing things to her mouth. Still not sleeping very well at night, she eats every 2-3 hours. We are hoping this changes before our vacation or no one will offer to help out again!