Ella turned 2 a couple weeks ago and she has started to act like a 2-year-old (you know, wanting to do EVERYTHING by herself- and if you try to help her she can throw a pretty convincing tantrum). Turning 2 also means she is old enough to understand the games her big sister wants to play. Lauren loves playing "house" and the stories she creates are pretty elaborate, but Ella sits and listens contently and acts like she knows exactly what is going on! We had dr. visits on Friday, and Ella is now a whopping 21.5 lbs (still not on the growth charts but definitely getting closer!). I'm not sure how tall she was, but I believe it dropped down to 15th percentile, and head circumference was 10th percentile- no surprise there, the kids definitely got my small head!

Luca is now 2 months old, and getting so big! He follows you with his eyes, and will look around the room to find momma when he hears me talking. He loves to be talked to and will coo back at you. His smile still melts my heart, and he will do it pretty willingly as long as you are looking into his eyes and talking to him. He also went to the doctor Friday and is perfectly proportioned at 25th percentile for weight, height, and head circumference. He weighed 11lb. 7oz. and was 22.5 inches long. I included a picture of him at 2 weeks and then 2 months for comparison!

It's good to see Ella's got ONE pound on Cal! ;)
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