New Stats

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Ella and I both had doctor appointments today, so we have some new stats to report. Ella already weighs 7lbs. 2oz. and is 20.25 in. This puts her at 50th percentile for height and 25th for weight. I weighed 23lbs. 4oz. and measured 33.25 in. tall. I have been growing steady in the 90th percentile for height and 25th for weight. The doctor listened to both our hearts, looked at our eyes, ears, and teeth, and gave us great reports. I did have to have my flu shot, which kind of hurt, but I got a band-aid afterwards. And I got sympathy all day- all I had to do was flash the gas station clerk my leg, and she gave me a sticker!

Showing off my "ouchie"
All the excitement tired Ella out!